Wednesday, June 29, 2005

SPAM War Begin

Yesterday Indonesian's President sent SMS (short message service) to the public. He cooperated with all of major telecommunication providers. Below is about the news:

Periksa Ponsel Anda, Ada SMS dari SBY

Some receivers got confused with the message. They don't know what it is about, since they don't have any relation regarding to the message. My first conclusion is: it was not send to the right target and it was unsolicited message. We could consider it as a junk message.

The receiver don't know the actually sender of the message. In the body of message it's clearly stated the sender is the president, but they don't know the number of the sender. So we can not reply to the message nor to verify the sender's number. My second opinion is: we can not verify the message.

After these assumptions, my final conclusion is: The president did SPAM. What is SPAM? We can refer to the link below that clearly define the SPAM.

The Definition of Spam

After the president did SPAM, a local non-profit organization AWARI will counter the president with her own message. Below is the announcement about the plan of AWARI's counteraction:

Awari Sesumbar Banjiri SBY dengan SMS

If this will become a SPAM war, unfortunately, It was started by The President. How a nice trend!!!

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